Spiritual relaxation
is a method for you to be completely relaxed by being "in the moment"
and enjoy what's going on around you. Don't forget to experience who is
actually relaxing. This would be helpful to cope with any type of anxiety
According to Swami
Shivananda Yoga - "Complete mental and physical relaxation can only be
experienced by going within and connecting with a higher power. As long as we
continue to identify ourselves with the body and the mind, we will feel alone
in the world."
Stress and worrying
about the future are the unavoidable consequences of this type of thinking.
Through spiritual relaxation you will realise that all happiness comes from
within. Yoga relaxation techniques help us establish this inner connection and
to overcome the obstacles which separate us from our true Self as well as from
other people.
Spiritual relaxation
can give you a healthy life and life style. It is most difficult to manage
one's own thoughts. Actually we all are products of our own thoughts. We are
also victims of our own thought and thought patterns.
Area of spiritual
relaxation is beyond our thinking because it helps one in all aspects of life.
It teaches us 'how to think correctly'. Its helps us to differentiate our negative
thoughts from the positive thoughts. It helps us to keep healthy thoughts
within us which in turn helps us to cope with negativity and psychosomatic
Everyone on this
earth irrespective of race and religion needs spiritual relaxation. As this
term is related to religion. There are different ways and methods to practice
spiritual relaxation. The main point is to be aware at all and at all the
times. Starting point is to be aware of your different body parts one by one
and after this step start watching your breath and then start watching your
There are two things;
one is you are thinking and other is mind is thinking. One who is speaking to
you continuously is your mind. it is giving you different thoughts. Like other
appliances and organs mind too needs energy to run and it always uses your
energies. Through the power of awareness it take energy from you. Mind will
blow off your thoughts here and there and then come back to you and you would
be aware of that moment. At that moment the mind would catch energy from you. But mind immediately blow you off somewhere and you wouldn't be understand what happened actually.
Spiritual relaxation
means you are thinking all times not the mind. When mind thinks; it's by
product is exhaustion and when you think it leaves relaxation.
World Yoga Club