
Sunday, 19 March 2017

Understand the life through your dreams

Secret of Dreams
Secret of Dreams

Our dreams are indications for us  to correct the wrong practices of our life. Our life is based upon some principles and when we get diverted from the basic principles; our dreams starts guiding us. So, in my opinion our dreams are our guiding tools. What I am saying is my experience and I mean it.
I am practicing yoga and yogic practices for last ten years. I often experience a dream: I am on a railway station and finding my train to catch it up. When spiritual practices are going in right directions I caught the train on time and when my spiritual practices are not going in right direction I miss the train always. So, when I miss the train in my dreams I received message that spiritually I am not going in right directions. One more important secret to reveal to you is that when I start giving more time to my spiritual practice my this dream get convert to flight boarding instead of a train.
In this way my dreams are my guiding principles for me. Whenever I were suffering from bad situations of life I prayed the guiding principles to resolve the issue through dreams. Important point is that I need to remember the dreams and I must know the art of decoding them.
In last month I was in a fix. The problem from which I were suffering was not a big one actually but my own mind was considering it like a mountain. I was afraid. I prayed for a guidance through dreams. The dream I had received that night was: "I was going to meet a friend who was sick and he was resting in a room on second floor. But there were no stairs to step up to second floor. The only way to reach him was to climb through the wall. When I were to start to climb up; a unknown person came to told me that your friend is resting in a room at ground floor and he is not sick but is  quite well. Dream was over." 

Decoding your dreams
After waking up in the morning I tried to recall the dream and I recalled it. I decode it and I found that my dream was guiding me that the problem I were facing is not a big one and the man who could solve my problem is cool one not hard one or sick one. so, I didn't need to climb up without stair and the cool man easily sort out your problem.
And in real life when I took my problem to the related person he immediately solve my issue without any hurdle.
There are a lot of experiences to share with you regarding dreams. But idea behind all experience is same.
First thing is to remember the dream and next is to decode it. Once you start remembering your dreams your mind would also start stabilized.              

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Self Actualization

Self Actualization

Are you an honest person? Are you highly creative? Do you have strong moral/ethical standards? If so, you may be on your way towards achieving self-actualization. Self-actualization refers to the need for personal growth and development that exists throughout your life. If you are self-actualized, you work hard to grow and become who you want to be in life and reach your full potential.
Expressing one's creativity, quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge, and the desire to give to and/or positively transform society are examples of self-actualization.
Abraham Maslow believed human motivation is based on an individual's ability to seek fulfilment and change through personal growth. Maslow asserted that individuals strive for higher needs when their lower-level needs have been fulfilled or satisfied. Let's look at the structure of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
To understand self-actualization, it is important to be aware of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which depicts the five basic needs individuals have during various stages of their lives.
Maslow's Pyramid

In order to move up in each level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs. Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied, you may be able to reach the highest level known as self-actualization.
Progress through the hierarchy of needs is often disrupted by failure to meet lower level needs or life experiences including divorce and loss of job, which may cause an individual to fluctuate between levels of the hierarchy.
A self-actualized person is someone who is feels fulfilled and has accomplished all the things they are capable of accomplishing in their life through personal growth and peak experiences, which are moments of deep meaning or emotion. Here are a few characteristics of a self-actualized person:
Problem-centered (not self-centered)
Highly creative
Takes responsibility and works hard
Strong moral/ethical standards
Honest and avoids pretense
This list of characteristics may or may not exist for every self-actualized person. You can be self-actualized without being problem-centered if you have a number of other positive characteristics relating to your desires in life.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Know your mind and reveals the truth behind

Watch your thoughts

Your mind is playing a great game behind the scene. Sometimes your mind starts generating negative thoughts, sometimes positive and other times wasteful thoughts. We become what our mind want to make us. The whole process is based on thoughts and is going autonomously. Normally we are not aware of this autonomous process and become part of the process. We are not aware, mean we had given our awareness to that autonomous process. If we become aware of that than the process become slow first and cease finally. But realm of the mind is very strong. One need to put extra affords to interrupt it.   

First step to know your mind is watching your thoughts. You need to spare  some time to watch the different thoughts arising in your mind. On practice this you would be surprised to know that how your mind is playing with you. You are forced to think what your mind want you to think. You could only realize this very fact by analysing your own thoughts by process of watching your own thoughts. It means what you are thinking right now is a thought given by your mind only. 

The tool you have to fight with is your awareness. With this great power of awareness you will control your autonomous thoughts and place your own thoughts there. 

Keep in mind Universal Powers which are mean to manifest physical forms in your life; read your will through your mind only. If your mind would be full of negative thoughts it will be able to generates couple of negative physical forms or physical realities in your life. 

Not only you would get mastery over mind but at the same time through your mind you would enjoy the 'time gap' between two thoughts. This 'time gap' between two thoughts would be able the nourish the mind with new energies. This earned 'time gap' would helps to create 'Pratayahara'; withdrawal of senses from outer world. This 'Pratayahara' in turn creates meditation to happen. 

Through this great practice of watching the thought through power of awareness can take you to different consciousness level of life. Ancient Indian yogis (spiritual scientists) even attained 'Samadhi' by practicing this great process.

Spare 15-30 minutes daily for practicing. You can practice it just after you wake up. Keep your eyes closed and start watching the thought present at that time. Try to find out the reference thought of that particular thought. In this way try to find out the source of all source. After some time you will see the gap between two thoughts is increasing day by day.  

Thursday, 2 March 2017

You have chosen this life....

You have chosen this Life
Your Life and You

Shrimadbhagwad Geeta says this nature has three gunas or virtues.

These are

  1. Satto Gunna
  2. Razo Gunna
  3. Tamo Gunna

This nature is working with these three virtues satto gunna, razo gunna and tamo gunna. Nature is offering worldly attractions to us through our senses. Our mind which is a part of the soul actually gets involved in the process of perception.

One worldly attraction brings another. This all happened in the presence of mind only.  In the process of involvement with the world when mind is working with one of the sense than there is a strong possibility that mind may be captured by a combination of other sense and attractions.
Mind understands language of pictures only. Every time every information is stored in form of a picture and mind; with the help of this universe creates these pictures in actual form in your life; materialized the stored information. But reality is that every substances that exists in any forms in life is also virtual. In scientific context these pictures are called mental patterns and in religious context these pictures are called “Karmas”

Now thing is that each and every information stored in your mind is actually decided by you only. It means you are the only cause which is responsible for all material and circumstances in your life. You are working with the help of mind only and mind is bringing images, attractions up to you and at the same time the mind is helping in converting stored images into material. All this happens automatically. Material is there, mind get involved and materialization happens. But still you can control the mind through your power of soul.

Now you can easily understand that whatever is in your life is decided by you only. No one is behind in your this scene. You cannot blame anyone. You have to understand your journey of life.

This can be understood through power of yoga and meditation. There are certain yogic processes that have capability to take you to the inner side of your own mind laboratory where you can see all information and also erase some information and also add some new information. Yoga nidra is a strong tool to take you alpha, beta and even theta level of brain where you can perform miraculous change.

When you understand this process than there is nothing to complain about life.

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