
Sunday, 15 January 2017

How Could I Manage My Thoughts

                                                            How to Manage your thoughts

Mind is series of continuous thoughts. Thoughts are coming from nowhere. Normally we be with our thoughts and feel the feelings arising out of them. If there is series of sad thoughts in our mind we become sad and if there is series of good or motivating thoughts we become happy or motivated. We never think of the fact that from where these thoughts are coming and where thoughts are going in.
There is a big science behind thoughts and mind. Psychology and even medical sciences claims that almost all diseases are psychosomatic diseases. Physical diseases are thought to be particularly prone to be made worse by mental factors such as stress and anxiety. Your current mental state can affect how bad a physical disease is at any given time.

It means our thoughts are very important for us not only for physical purposes but mental purpose too. 

Meditation is the tool to dilute the thoughts and the mind. Thoughts good or bad pull our attention or awareness or consciousness to survive. So thoughts only use our energies to exist. That’s why we felt exhausted when there plenty of negative thoughts and even after if there is plenty positive thoughts.

In our daily routine; we generally interact with our thoughts. Some thoughts neutralized by our intellect (the discriminating power of our mind) and others become mental patterns and stored in the store house of our mind. Later positive mental patterns become the motivating factor and the negative mental patterns become diseases. 

Now question is that how should one treat with the thoughts. I am giving three formulas:-

Formula – I 
If there is lot of negative thoughts and you are feeling very bad and exhausted. Just take a moment and stop the all thoughts with your will power; now bring a positive thought, any delighting moment of your life. Your will be surprised to see that all negative thoughts get vanished and mind started feeling with 100 of positive thoughts. This is 100% practical approach. 

Formula – II
Fact is that your thoughts or mind is following you. But we generally think that we are victim of our mind or our thoughts. But real fact is not that. Every thought in our mind is only present because we allow it. Good thoughts or bad thoughts are only due to our acceptance. It means your mind is at your disposal not you at your mind disposal. Any time you can bring and new thought or withdraw a pre existing thought.

Formula – III
We will apply some filters or checkouts to our thoughts and after applying these filters we will continuously watch the thoughts, after some time this would happened automatically.
I recommend three filter and these filter are also thoughts again:-

There should always be only three types of thoughts.
    Thoughts related to my family or nears and dears.
2.   Thoughts related to livelihood.
3.   Thoughts related to my spiritual or physical health.

Personally I try to keep all thoughts through these there filters.
Last but not least; meditation, meditation is the only tool that keep you fit. Because relaxation demands no thought state at all. I would like to use power of awareness. Swami Niranjanananda of Bihar School of Yoga, says, “When you are asked to become aware of your thoughts, there are no thoughts, you find that you cannot think. That is because the moment you begin to observe something, that activity stops. The moment you move your mind away, again the thoughts begin to come”.

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