
Friday, 6 January 2017

Is Your Soul Tired ?

Tired Soul
Is Your Soul Tired?

When your soul is tired, it is often a symptom that you are living out of alignment with your life. 
Your soul energy flows from you, within you and when connection to this flow is lost, your energy would become low.   
When your soul is tired evening after good sleep you feel restless. It’s always seems that you have lost something special. The very purpose of your life is forgotten and you start wondering with aimless mind because of tiredness of your soul. 

From Vedantic point of view it is the soul that sustaining you in all respects of life.
There is a practical way to know how much your soul is tired.  Rub your both palms quickly about 20-30 seconds. Keep your concentration fully on the energy releasing between two palms. Now slowly start separating your hands, very slowly, very slowly. What you need to experience is warmth waves coming from your hands. Keeping separating your hands further and further until you no longer feel the warmth waves between them.

If feeling of this energy depleted immediately after you start separating your hands; it means your soul is tired.

Others Symptoms of tired Soul personality 

1. You are not in your own swing and not loyal to even yourself.
2. You often do the things which are not your purpose.
3. Waste your time in gossip.
4. Poor connected with good people.
5. Strongly connected with bad people.
6. Thoughts are normally negatives.
7. There is always feeling of something lacks.
8. There is strong feeling of lacking of Self-Love.
9. You always remain in your past.
10. Even after a good makeup your face looks dull.

Now this is the time to heal yourself and to align yourself with the very purpose of your life. It is very important to take some immediate actions to quickly heal the tired soul.

How to nourish your soul?

1. Put yourself in the company of good and spiritual friends.
2. Start reading inspiring books.
3. Daily go to religious place according to your religion.
4. Spend a little time alone daily.
5. Go for a healthy tour; like visit to a hill station or to another beautiful green place.
6. Attune yourself to the natural things. Walk on the green grass with bare feet. Concentrate at green leaves of trees.
7. Look at the colors of the different flowers.
8. Meditate Daily
9. Practice Yoga and Nadi Shodhan Pranayaam Daily.
10. Spend some time with the Children.

Always keep in mind that your soul is very powerful and there is nothing that it can’t handle. Nature around you is the great healer. You need to correct your aura first.

1 comment:

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